Tips and Tricks

Put Like with Like...
When you’re trying to organize, sort your things into categories, putting “like with like.”  Then store “like” things together in one place.
Everything "Teeth" related goes into one box.

… and Label Everything
Whether you use a Sharpie, a labelmaker, or a scrap of paper, label your categories.  Instead of racking your memory to picture what you put where, you’ll be able to find everything quickly--and so will the rest of your family.
Nail polish, polish remover, emery boards, and a manicure set went into this little shoebox--isn't it cute? The Label is easy to read and all encompassing.

Think Inside the Box...
After you’ve organized your things into groups, create containers for all your categories.  Start with whatever boxes or bags you have on hand--you can run to the Container Store later.
One client had makeup scattered all over the bathroom cabinet.  We organized it, like things together, into boxes.  Now she can  find what she needs, and she has twice as much shelf space.

...and Outside the Box
Be creative.  If standard organizers aren’t working for you, try something new.

(Photo) This shoe organizer was perfect for storing art supplies, freeing up space in an over-cluttered closet.

(Photo) One of my clients decided to start folding his shirts into rectangles so he could pack them into his drawer like books.  With this method, he doesn’t have any wasted space, and he can see all of his shirts at one time.

Use What Works...
Before you rush out to buy new furniture or storage containers, look at what you already have.  Can you use that instead?  (Think of the money you can save!)
This bookcase was blocking the doorway in my client’s library, and it didn’t hold books very well, either.  But it fit nicely into the study closet, where it adds extra shelving.

...and Get Rid of the Rest
If you can’t use it, you don’t want it, and it’s taking up space, find it a new home. 
One client hated his wire closet shelving.  We pulled the shelves out, replaced them with bookcases, and donated the wire shelving to Goodwill.

Stick With Your System
After you’ve worked hard to organize something, keep it that way! Don’t let clutter undo all your hard work.